Curious about the 'why' behind the brand?

After moving to FL from CA in 2019, CEO and founder Annalisa Sawick went through some of the toughest years in her life. From the sudden loss of her father and other family members to having a child and becoming a single mother while managing Postpartum Depression, everything had become a battle. The perpetual exhaustion from breastfeeding around the clock amid the identity crisis that women often times experience after having a baby, all if it led to this idea. To the women who are battling breast cancer and to the ones who have come out on the other side, your strength deserves to be acknowledged. These shirts and bags are recognition; validation to every strong woman going through struggles, battles and wars that sometimes no one sees. We see you, we are you, and we commend you. Women are so much stronger than we think. This one is for all the tough ladies out there, may these products bring you laughter, joy and pride.

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